Produced twice a year, the CHS journal serves as a calendar of forthcoming events and a record of recent activities. Every issue lists the Committee and Officers’ contact details. The spring issue has information for the Plant Fair and includes the programme and booking forms for our summer outings and autumn tour. The autumn Spadework outlines the winter lecture programme and reports on all summer activities. Members are invited (or persuaded) to contribute reports of these visits and lectures, and provide photographs of plants and gardens. The Chairman’s Report keeps members up to date with Society matters, and members contribute occasional articles on topics of interest.
Spadework’s editor Penny David welcomes all contributions: including photographs, sketches, verse and articles. Photos and stories from our trips, tours, or any CHS significant plant are especially welcome. Copy deadlines for the spring issue is 28 February and the autumn issue 31 July.
Back copies of Spadework to read online or download:
in pdf format for e-readers.